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Virtual Events

Ideas for Fun Virtual Entertainment Features

We all understand the importance of entertainment at an in-person event. From drinks and nibbles after a panel discussion to tons of breakout space at a conference, there’s always a need to give your attendees a chance to relax and let their hair down. But how does that translate to virtual events?

Well, the long and short of it is that whether you’re planning an online conference, a virtual trade show or even just a simple online meeting, entertainment is no less important when it comes to virtual. To give you some inspiration, we’ve listed 5 ways that you can include fun virtual entertainment features in your event planning.

1. Create Breakout Spaces

Just because you’re not welcoming your guests to a physical event venue, that doesn’t mean you have to scrap breakout space from the agenda. After all, your attendees will still need the chance to step away from your barrage of incredible content every now and again, even if just to decompress and recalibrate.

Unhosted breakout rooms can be a great way to give guests a chance to mingle and chat if they know each other. But if not, we’d recommend adding some breakout spaces that are hosted by online entertainers. Whether it’s a comedy club session to break the ice or even a storytelling workshop to get the creative juices flowing, a hosted session can be a great way to give your guests the chance to unwind without having to make excruciating small talk in a virtual room full of strangers.

Hire Space Top Tip: Brand new virtual and hybrid events platform, Arena, offers both video and audio breakout options, giving your delegates the power to choose how they want to discuss, debate and collaborate with others.

2. Throw an After Party

Every event deserves to go out with a bang. So, why not provide some fun entertainment for after the main event itself?

We’d recommend getting some drinks sent to your delegates’ doorsteps, and maybe even some scrumptious food too. Then, encourage everyone to hop into a breakout room where they can enjoy some fun entertainment – whether it’s tuning into a virtual mind-reading show or playing a hilarious game of bingo. Ultimately, it’s moments like these that will help your event to stand out from the crowd and ensure that it lives on in your attendees’ memories for years to come.

3. Use the Element of Surprise

Whether it’s your daily morning standup or your quarterly team review, there’s no better way to brighten up your colleagues’ day than providing some surprise entertainment.

Does your team love musicals? Then rope in some stars from Broadway for a mini concert. Do they love comparing notes on the latest Netflix documentary? Get Louis Theroux to gatecrash and answer all their burning questions.

You’d be surprised at just what kind of virtual entertainment offerings are out there. We’ve even seen a farm offering teams the chance to get on a Zoom call with one of their goats! Now that’s something your team won’t forget in a hurry. Check out our selection of top virtual entertainment for ideas.

4. Support your Theme or Topic

Let’s not forget that your virtual entertainment feature doesn’t have to be separate from the main event. Instead, you could use entertainment to support the topic you’re going to be covering.

For example, if you’re hosting a conference about mental health in the workplace, you could make a mindfulness workshop a key part of your event agenda. Or, if you’re hosting a webinar about environmental impact and sustainability, you could make a plant-based cookalong a key component of the day.

Remember that many of us learn better by doing. So, having an interactive and entertaining session that helps to push your agenda at the same time could be a win-win.

5. Break the Ice

Most of us experience physical events with other people, whether that’s turning up with a colleague or sitting next to a stranger who quickly becomes a friend. But we don’t have that luxury with a virtual event, where everyone is sitting at home on their own.

For that reason, it’s even more important to provide your attendees with that sense of togetherness. Interactive entertainment features are a great way to do this. Whether it’s dividing your delegates into teams for a classic virtual quiz, or working together to solve a virtual escape room, a team-building activity will help to break the ice, alleviate any awkwardness and encourage your attendees to really get involved. And let’s not forget how much fun it can be!

So, next time you’re planning a virtual event – however large or small – take the time to consider how a fun entertainment feature could help you reach your goals and level up the event experience. We guarantee it’ll make your event a whole lot more memorable.

If you’re ready to give it a go, just browse our virtual event options to find the perfect entertainment supplier for you. For more guidance and advice on how to plan unforgettable virtual events, check out our Complete Guide To Virtual Events.


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Imogen Beech

With a love of interior design, Imogen’s writing experience has taken her from the mansions of the rich and famous to the capital’s most unique events spaces on Hire Space.

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