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13 Beautiful Hanging Centrepieces For Your Event

When it comes to theming and decor for your event, the options are endless! Whether you're planning a rustic countryside wedding or a colourful corporate summer party, there are so many ways you can make your events shine.

One decoration we love is hanging centrepieces. Not only can they add intimacy to a large high-ceilinged room, but they can also decorate tables without getting in the way of conversation and above all, they're beautiful! Here are 13 of our favourite types of hanging centrepieces. For more inspiration or guidance with theming your events, browse our top suppliers and get in touch with our event experts.

1. A hanging garden

Hanging garden

2. Dangling flowers

Dangling flowers

3. Floating lanterns

Floating lanterns

4. A hula-hoop chandelier

A hula-hoop chandelier

5. A fun sign surrounded by flowers

Hanging sign surrounded by flowers

6. Pretty festoon lighting

Festoon lighting

7. Floating shelves

Floating shelf

8. Unique creations like this upside-down branch

Upside-down branch

9. Pretty glassware like these blue bottles

Blue bottle-vases

10. Flower baskets

Sprouting flower basket

11. Intertwining bouquets

Intertwining flower bouquets

12. Drooping flower stems

Drooping flower stems

13. Festoon lighting with flower chains

Festoon lights and flower-chains

Florals: Elyssium Blooms http://www.elyssiumblooms.com.au
Styling: Little Gray Station http://www.littlegraystation.com
Furniture and Decor: Hampton Event Hire http://www.hamptoneventhire.com
Lighting: Elyssium Lighting: http://www.elyssiumlighting.com.au
Image: Figtree Pictures http://www.figtreepitures.com
Venue: Osteria http://www.osteriacasuarina.com.au

If you love the look of these hanging centrepieces and want to take your event theming to the next level, our experts at Hire Space will help you find the perfect venue to make your event amazing, and it's free to use! Get in touch below.

Plus, if you'd like to chat with us about planning events in 2023, get in touch with our experts at Hire Space 360.


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Emily Ford

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