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How To Throw An Amazing Party

The last time we had a house party one of our guests got stuck in the bathroom for two hours.

The rest of our friends weren't much better off: with warm white wine and flat gin and tonics, we were reliably informed at 4am that the neighbours were less than impressed with our music choice.

Sadly, that's pretty much been the case with all of our parties.

House Party

But ringing around the block to find an amazing venue with the right availability and prices just never seemed worth the time and effort - even to save our house deposit.

Any desire to gather your pals for a party (or a meeting, or rehearsal, or anything) quickly goes out the window after you've spent a day hunting down phone numbers, leaving fruitless answer messages and pinging emails into the ether.

But we live in London. We could have our party at Shoreditch's Studio Spaces, Brick Lane's speakeasy bar Apples And Pears, or the stunning Vista At The Trafalgar.

The wine could have been cold, and the music could have been live. It could have been amazing.

Amazing Party

And yet, until now, we've had more technology to control our cheesy party playlists than to actually book the venue in the first place.

In May, only a year since launching the UK's favourite venue website, we started work on an innovative new system that makes it super easy to get directly in touch with venues with a single click. Or rather make that a single 'tap', as I guess buttons don't really click any more in our mobile optimised world.

Now I can be discussing the details of my event with a venue manager quicker than I can make a Facebook event.

What is absolutely crucial is for our venue managers, be they technophiles or technophobes, to be able to intuitively understand and enjoy using this platform.

Hire Space

Our venue managers are what makes Hire Space tick. They're the ones who ensure the wine's cold, the bathroom lock is fixed and everyone has a fantastic experience from the second they pick up the phone to waving them out the door. That's why our enquiry platform is designed to be universal, so all our friendly venue managers can focus on doing what they do best.

So, after the next party, instead of hungoverly declaring 'never again', just click, or tap, and let's plan the next one together.


Jess Lane

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