In unprecedented times, Hire Space has a single focus.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably worried. You’re probably unsure about your business, your job, your colleagues or your friends. If you’re anything like us, you’re probably flat out trying to interpret new information as it comes in. None of us yet know exactly what the impact of Coronavirus will be. But we do know that event professionals are having a torrid time, and will do for a while yet.
Our goal is to help you navigate through it. We don’t have all the answers. But we have a good network, and our ears to the ground.
We are also running a business ourselves, and adapting in real-time to announcements from the Government and elsewhere about how to protect your organisation. We too are fighting every day.
We can promise:
- We will share information transparently as we get it.
- We will give a platform to anyone who has something relevant and helpful to say.
- We will compile useful, up-to-date industry responses to COVID-19 here, where everyone and anyone can see it. Live COVID-19 News Page.
We believe that we’re all better off if we all survive the coming weeks and months - friends, foes, partners, competitors. We need a vibrant industry people can rely on in the future.
If you want to contact us directly, you can do so at and
If you are a brand, a venue, an event supplier or an agency, and you want to contribute to the discussion, email us on or find us @hirespace or @eventlab_online
And if you’re an event professional and you’re finding things difficult, get in touch with @Eventwell or @Sanctus
In the meantime, keep busy, keep innovating, and look after yourselves. The government is injecting huge resource into the industry. It will make a significant difference.
With best wishes,
Ed and Will
Hire Space have created a platform to keep you up-to-date with all the latest Coronavirus news, as well as the latest useful industry responses to the ongoing pandemic.

Edward Poland
Co-founder of Hire Space. Making event planning a joy with the UK’s leading live venue marketplace.