All Virtual Team Building Events

Complimentary Drinks

Top up your team's confidence with this hilarious, interactive complimentary drinks bar - tonight the compliments are on the house!

Complimentary Drinks


30 minutes to 2 hours
5 to 50 people
Lead time
1 week lead


Want to give your team a pick-me-up? Pina colagas will only get you so far, but we're here to take you the rest of the way with an open bar of free-flowing compliments all evening! Our hosts are set to serve up the nice things you've always meant to say to your team but never quite managed to - it's the perfect way to break the ice and encourage bonding and friendly banter in teams. Not feeling the spotlight? Sit back and sip your drink while we do our bit to give everyone a little shot of confidence - on the house, of course!

What's included?

  • Actor as complimentary drink, or drinks
  • waitress to help serve compliments

Price breakdown

Price per session

Flat fee £500


Additional costs

Shorter lead times than 1 week will incur additional fees

Event images