All Virtual Networking Events

Hybrid Product Launch

Launching a product virtually doesn't have to mean losing out on networking. With our online platform, Arena, maximise attendee interaction with breakouts and hybrid networking facilities.

Hybrid Product Launch

Presented by: Arena

2 hours to 2 days
From £1.50 / Person
Lead time
4 weeks lead


With a platform designed for facilitating hybrid interaction, this platform gives engagement a boost at any virtual or hybrid product launch. Let your product do the talking using the main stage, and then allow guests to make their way to breakout rooms where in-person and remote attendees can socialise and discuss your new product over audio, video, chat, or even polling. It's the most complete package to engage an audience!

What's included?

  • Venue sourcing
  • Fully brandable event platform
  • Networking and live speaker functionality
  • Option of live stream production and dedicated event manager

Price breakdown

Price per session

Pay As You Go £3 / Attendee
Pre-pay £2 / Attendee
Subscription £1.50 / Attendee

With all options, you only pay for people who actually attend

Additional costs

Venue costs will vary. Enquire for bespoke pricing and venue details.

Event managers start at £1,050 + VAT for a half-day event.

Hybrid live stream production starts at £4,700 + VAT (up to 2 hours).

Shorter lead times than 4 weeks will incur additional fees.

Event images