All Virtual Experiences

Cocktail Karaoke

Get guests giggling with glee at a unique cocktail karaoke session, designed for virtual parties and events.

Cocktail Karaoke


1 hour 30 to 2 hours
From £804
Lead time
2 weeks lead


Time to find out who's tone deaf and who's the next Tom Jones with this hugely enjoyable virtual experience! This event combines a cocktail making masterclass with a karaoke session to really get guests enjoying themselevs (though the more you participate in the first might determine how close to Top of the Pops you come in the latter!). Perfect for parties, team events, and mixing up regular Zoom quizzes, this experience is an all-round screamer!

What's included?

  • Live interactive mixology class
  • Kit containing all ingredients for 3 cocktails delivered
  • Karaoke session
  • Experienced hosts

What to bring

  • 2 glasses
  • spoon

Price breakdown

Price per session

Flat fee  £720
Cost per person  £84


Additional costs

Optional stainless steel shaker £20 each

Shorter lead times than 2 weeks will incur additional fees

Event images