All Virtual Client Events

Complimentary Drinks

Treat clients to a tipple of something sweet with this entertaining experience - we've got compliments on tap!

Complimentary Drinks


30 minutes to 2 hours
5 to 50 people
Lead time
1 week lead


A unique experience that's perfect for ice breakers and mid-event entertainment, this 'bar'my interactive show is a treat for all. Guests can take their pick from a tantalising range of compliments, including tipples based on their appearance, best jokes, or even dance moves! With expert entertainers as hosts, this is a popular party option, and makes for a highly memorable addition to any client event - we're sure they'll be coming back for more!

What's included?

  • Actor as complimentary drink, or drinks
  • waitress to help serve compliments

Price breakdown

Price per session

Flat fee £500


Additional costs

Shorter lead times than 1 week will incur additional fees

Event images