Cigar Rollers | Cigar Bella

US Only: Live cigar rolling by master rollers adds a unique, interactive, and sophisticated experience to any event, entertaining guests with skilled craftsmanship.

Cigar Rollers | Cigar Bella Cigar Rollers | Cigar Bella Cigar Rollers | Cigar Bella

Presented by: Cigar Rollers | Cigar Bella

Prices starting from $1000
Austin Texas, Las Vegas Nevada, Los Angeles California, Miami Florida, Houston Texas


This service offers live cigar rolling by master cigar rollers, providing a unique and interactive experience for events and parties. Guests are entertained by the craftsmanship and artistry of professional cigar rollers, who create cigars on-site while engaging with the audience. It’s a memorable way to add sophistication and excitement to any occasion, making it perfect for those looking to impress their guests with an elegant and engaging activity.

Price breakdown

Additional costs

$105 for COI

2.50% Credit Card fee

Event images