Product Launches
A great venue is crucial for any creative product launch. Here we share our favourite ideas from our most unique locations. Need more inspiration? Just ask.

Blank Canvas Venues
Unique Venue of the Month: Printworks and Press Launches
When you’re launching a new product or service, the way in which you announce it to the market is key. A great way to get your brand out there is a launch event . However, capturing the attention of your audience and enticing press coverage is not an easy task. It’s essential to establish the unique qualities of what you’re presenting. Your product and event need to stand out in a crowded marketplace to both grab the attention of th
2 min read

Blank Canvas Venues
The Hellenic Centre: The Best Blank Canvas for Your Product Launch
Every great work starts with some sort of canvas; the ceramic of greek pottery, the parchment on which Shakespeare penned his works. The Hellenic Centre offers a blank canvas space that could be the start of your great event. A space ready you to imprint with your brand, your ideas and your talent. The Hellenic Centre is a venue set to host
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EventLAB Series: The Future of Events
Last week we held our first teaser event ahead of EventLAB in October, where we welcomed a stellar panel of influential event professionals to discuss the future of the events industry. So, for anyone that couldn’t make it, we've rounded up the highlights so you’ll almost feel like you were there or you can watch the full video here . The Panel (from left to right): * Caleb Parker
5 min read

Venue Review: Somerset House
We have the Duke of Somerset to thank for the ever-impressive Somerset House , with its Doric and Ionic columns that signalled a return to the classical style in the 1500s. The self-appointed Duke – the uncle of young King Edward VI – completed the construction of the mansion between the Thames and The Strand in 1551. He was then executed for treason the following year. (For unrelated reasons, incidentally.) Over the following centuries,
3 min read

Blank Canvas Venues
Venue Review: The Pickle Factory
In a small corner of Tower Hamlets lies The Pickle Factory , directly opposite its sister venue, Oval Space. The converted warehouse has quite a history, having started life as a pickle factory (hence the name) in the heart of London’s East End, followed by a stint as a medical supplies storage facility and since 2013, it has been an unlikely but highly successful spot for a dedicated music venue. Nestled in Be
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